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Mandala Seeds

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Visit the Mandala Cannabis Seeds Website by (clicking here)

Mandala Seeds was founded in January, 2004 by Mike & Jasmin. Our personal history is a mixture of adventure, travel, and a keen interest in studying, cultivating, and preserving cannabis and other shamanic healing plants. We have pioneered several unique breeding and seed production methods whose benefits are valued by growers world wide. Our seed bank is co-supervised by Jasmin, a biologist with work experience in the fields of horticulture and agriculture. Both of us not only share our extensive professional experience through creating and distributing the Mandala Seeds genetics, but we also regularly contribute articles on growing and cannabis botany in international publications and our website to promote greater awareness about ecological and effective cultivation methods.???????

Mandala Seeds is a professionally run marijuana breeder with extensive experience and expertise. They were founded in 2004 and one of the owners is a certified biologist.???????

Mandala Seeds offer a large range of cannabis genetics and offer their seeds in a very much standard paper packet which should by now be obsolete. They have 7 Marijuana Strains available with a good looking range of genetics.???????

We have had Mandala Seeds on our website for some time and we very rarely sell a packet. We probably only sell 1 packet of mandala seeds every year so there must be something wrong with this breeder. In our opinion Mandala are a probably not the best choice of Cannabis Breeders as they have no reputation at all on our site. The Seeds are one of the Cheapest available which normally encourages sales and the packaging is one of the worst on offer so our rating for them is barely enough for a 3/10. Maybe we are being a bit harsh on Mandala Seeds but sales speak for us and there are no sales so something must be wrong.???????

Buy Mandala Marijuana Seeds at Just Feminized Seed Bank by (clicking Here)

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