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The first ever growshop in the Netherlands was founded by the Potfather of the Cannabis and Coffeeshop Culture, Wernard Bruining, he named it Positronics. The Positronics Growshop came with a proper variety of seeds, based on the varieties Wernard selected in the early days, like Skunk #1, Northern Lights, White Widow and all the other old school strains. Positronics went bankrupt in 1996, Wernard collapsed and the seedbank was split up by former employees and others. Sebastian, the owner of the 'El punto eres tu' growshop in Malaga was and is a huge fan of Wernard and his accomplishments. I introduced them to one and other on our farm in Alora, during which encounter Sebastian suggested to Wernard to re-introduce Positronics seeds on the Spanish market to start with. Wernard liked the idea, so things started to roll, he supplied Sebas with batches of his old school seeds. He gave Sebas permission to set up a line of feminized seeds, based on Positronics genetics. Before that, they came out with a straight seeds collectors box, to start getting attention for the 'new school' Positronics seeds.

Positronics come in a collectable tin and are produced in Spain. Check out Jack Diesel, Critical 47 and Blue Rhino they are really good strains to add to your list.

Positronics come in a very smart little pop lid tin which is highly collectible and definately retained after use to keep your stash in. The seeds are of a high standard and the company offers a good stable variety.???????

For some reason sales of Positronics seeds at Just Feminized Seed Bank have dropped in recent years. We have always stocked Positronics right from the geginning but currently they are in our lowest 10 seedbanks for total sales. In our opinion Positronics are a good choice of Cannabis Breeders with a good reputation. They provide quality Marijuana genetics with lots of variety and prices vary from £5-10 per seed.  Because Positronics dont sell very fast on our website we rate them 6/10. Its a shame to rate them so low really as they are certainly a good brand of marijuana seeds but sales simply don't come often enough.???????

Buy Positronics Marijuana Seeds at Just Feminized Seed Bank by (clicking Here)

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