Stash & Safe Products
- A real book with hidden potential
- Will blend safely with other books
- Our best stash safe product
- Perfect for passports or anything
- great for keeping in your tool box
- wouldn't get noticed under the sink
- 7cm x 11cm hidden compartment
- secure valuables whilst travelling
- Pill or bank note key chain stash
- 100% water tight, metal container
- have your medicine with your 247
- Easily attaches to your house keys
- fully working stash torch
- 10mm x 50mm stash compartment
- great budget safe product
- perfect for discrete pills or notes
- Hairbrush Stash
- Approx 20mm x 80mm
- Keeps your valuables safe
- Perfect for taking to festivals
- Scales and grinder hidden inside
- Very cleaver disguise scales
- Small stash compartment inside
- professional & accurate to 0.01g
- Scales and grinder hidden inside
- Very cleaver disguise scales
- Small stash compartment inside
- professional & accurate to 0.01g
- Perfect stash in your tool box
- Completely Water Resistant
- Is a working philips screw driver
- Air Tight and undetectable stash
- Same size as standard battery
- Completely Water Resistant
- Comes in three sizes
- Look like real batteries very discrete
- Stash size same as size C battery
- Completely Water Resistant
- Comes in three sizes
- Look like real batteries very discrete
- Same size as standard battery
- Completely Water Resistant
- Comes in three sizes
- Look like real batteries very discrete
- Our most popular stash product
- Real wax but not to be lighted
- hidden compartment is 9cm x 6cm
- Perfect hiding for Rolex or Cash
- Working thermometer stash place
- wall mountable
- most suitable use is for spare keys
- Very discrete and safe
- Bog Brush Stash
- Last Place Anyone Would Look
- Good Sized Stash Area
- Exact Replica Of The Real Thing
- nice to know you have Piece of mind
- Keep security cash with you 247
- Premium air tight construction
- 100% water proof guaranteed